Thursday, January 10, 2013

What is Amazon EC2 Elastic Block Storage (EBS)?

Amazon Elastic Block Storage (EBS)
  • off-instance NAS (Network Attached Storage)
  • size between 1GB to 1TB, allocated in 1GB increments
  • 1 EBS can only be attached to 1 EC2 instance
  • 1 EC2 instance can attach multiple EBS
  • for data that changes quickly and requires long-term persistance (ex. file system, database) 
  • EBS volumes with less than 20GB of modified data since the last snapshot are designed for between 99.5% - 99.9% annual durability
  • snapshots are available across availability zone
  • if an availability zone is unavailable, the EBS will not be available
  • **snapshot EBS frequently
  • EBS is priced per GB-month of provisioned storage and per million I/O requests
  • EBS Snapshots are priced per GB-month of data stored, as well as per 1,000 PUT requests and per 10,000 GET requests when saving and loading snapshots

How to increase/decrease size of a EBS
  • Quiesce the application or file system.
  • Snapshot your EBS volume’s data into Amazon S3 (using “Create Snapshot from Volume”).
  • Create a new EBS volume from the snapshot, but specify a larger size than the original volume.
  • Attach the new, larger volume to your Amazon EC2 instance.
  • Detach and delete the original EBS volume.


Temporary storage - use local (Ephemeral) volume

Highly-durable storage - S3 standard storage is designed for 99.999999999% annual durability per object

Static data or web content - use S3

Key-value pair, schema-less data - use SimpleDB