Starting from a fresh machine with an attached ebs volume, we will do the following:
- Format the new ebs volume with XFS and mount it as /vol
- Install php, mysql and nginx
- Create a mysql user and create a database
- Copy the public and private keys into the targeted machine
- Checkout a project from github
Begin by spinning a fresh EC2 AMI and attach a ebs volume to it. Read Ansible - how to launch EC2 instances and setup the php environment.
Format the new ebs volume with XFS and mount it as /vol
We will mount the new ebs volume /dev/xvdf as /vol and format it with XFS
- name: update machine with latest packages
action: command yum -y update
- name: install xfsprogs
action: yum pkg=xfsprogs state=latest
- name: format new volume
filesystem: fstype=xfs dev=/dev/xvdf
- name: edit fstab and mount the vol
action: mount name={{mount_dir}} src=/dev/xvdf opts=noatime fstype=xfs state=mounted
Install php, mysql and nginx
- name: install php
action: yum pkg=php state=latest
- name: install php-mysql
action: yum pkg=php-mysql state=latest
- name: install nginx
action: yum pkg=nginx state=latest
- name: ensure nginx is running
action: service name=nginx state=started
- name: install mysql server
action: yum pkg=mysql-server state=latest
- name: make sure mysql is running
action: service name=mysqld state=started
Create a mysql user and a database
- name: install python mysql
action: yum pkg=MySQL-python state=latest
- name: create database user
action: mysql_user user=admin password=1234qwer priv=*.*:ALL state=present
- name: create db
action: mysql_db db=ansible state=present
Copy the public and private keys into the targeted machine
We want the target machine to be able to do a git pull without username and password prompts.
mkdir ~/.ssh
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C ""
You will see:
Enter file in which to save the key (/root/.ssh/id_rsa):Just press Enter on the above prompts.
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Two files will be generated: id_rsa,
Log in to Github and then Go to Account Settings -> SSH Keys
Add new key by giving it a name and pasting the content of
Test it by:
ssh -T git@github.comHere are the Ansible tasks:
- name: install git
action: yum pkg=git state=latest
- name: copy private key
action: template src=~/.ssh/ dest=~/.ssh/
- name: copy public key
action: template src=~/.ssh/id_rsa dest=~/.ssh/id_rsa
Checkout a project from github
- name: git checkout source
action: git repo=ssh://{your_git_repo}.git dest={{work_dir}} version=unstable